Monday, 18 February 2013

California Day 1

Arrived in California last night. Flight was actually kind of decent despite the fact that I was right next to a new-born. Sat down and the first thing it did was puke on his/her mother's shoulder. Adam picked me up after a long wait for luggage but the important thing was that everything came through! An hour drive North along the coast and we arrived at the beach house.

Quickly got to sleep in my quadrant of the house. I have a tiny little bed nook that I just fit into. Made breakfast with Emily and Annie this morning as Adam has a dirt biking trip he's doing with one of his friends today.

Breakfast was three scrambled eggs with bacon and a cliff bar. One thing I missed about the US was their cheap food prices. Back home I would pay $2.50 for a single cliff bar but at the grocery store here I found a pack of 6 for $2.99. I'm definitely stocking up before I head home.

Adam has got me going exploring today, he's laid out a route with some nice climbs on it around 100km. Nothing too major today. Weather is overcast but as of 9am it looks like the sun really wants to break through the clouds. Expected high of 15.

1.) my little bed nook at night
2.) The beach house! My room is located in the left little hut
3.) Turn around and this is the view of the ocean. Sand is everywhere!

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